India and BRICS Plus Nations: The Custodians of New World Order

Together with China and Russia, we are the custodians of a multipolar world since last century. The creation of BRICS mechanism is a product of our common goals to establish a multipolar world, which is indeed happening as the leaders of more than 35 countires gathered in Kazan to deliberate on the future peace and prosperity of our world. BIRCS is based upon the FIVE PRINCIPLES OF PEACEAFUL CO-EXISTENCE to which India and China have adherred strictly, and also apply the same principle in dealing with their neighbors as well as all sovereign equal countries.

The BRICS mechanism functions in a unique way which is not much affected by bilateral issues. We have had several issues in the past but we never stopped our engagement with China at multilateral level. Infact, India China collaboration to fight the Climate Change issue is a good example of leadership and cooperation. Competition and Cooperation both go hand-in-hand as we are the two largest ocuntires on this planet with diverse interest in the region as well as world politcs and economy. As a new platform. BRICS as well as SCO is playing an important role in promoting cooperation among its members. Of course if India and China can trust each other that will silence the naysayers of BRICS rise. A long term boundary settlement between India and China can give a huge boost to our economic relations. India could emerge as China’s largest trading partner in future due to our huge domestic demand and we do like the affordable Chinese goods (性价比)。

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