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Indian Vice Chancellors Delegation to Beijing and Kunming

  Dear Colleagues, China Education Association for International Exchange (CEAIE) plans to invite several presidents of Indian universities to visit Beijing and Kunming...

Welcome to BRICS+ Fashion Summit held by the Russian Fashion Council and Fashion Fund.

Welcome to BRICS+ Fashion Summit held by the Russian Fashion Council and Fashion Fund. It’s a big international event taking place in Moscow,...

Binod Ajatshatru: BRICS offers hope for a positive role of global finance

SFC Markets and Finance|Binod Ajatshatru: BRICS offers hope for a positive role of global finance For BRICS, we are going to grow peacefully with mutual...

Sputnik TV Discussion on XV BRICS Summit in Johannesburg

Russian and Foreign Experts Discuss Results of BRICS Summit at Sputnik Roundtable 14:49 30.08.2023 Sputnik International Multimedia Press Centre hosted an expert Moscow-Rio de Janeiro-Delhi-Shanghai roundtable...

15th BRICS Summit held in Johannesburg South Africa 2023: Seeking A Multipolar World Order

The BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) bloc met for its annual leader’s summit in Johannesburg, South Africa on August 22–24, 2023....

Director’s Speech at BRICS Governance Forum, Yangzhou China.

India’s G-20Presidency: An opportunity to take forward the BRICSDigital Governance Agenda Speech Draft by BINOD SINGH AJATSHATRU Dear BRICS delegates, thank you for your kind...

Envisioning India @100: Path to Becoming Global Power

Envisioning India @100: Path to Becoming Global Power

Russia-Ukraine War: India and China on the Same Page

Alok Kumar Pathak India has always extended its helping hands to countries in need whether it be Asian or Western and in many critical conditions...

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